Name: Air Jordan 5 Retro Trophy Room Ice Blue
Style: CI1899-400
Dope Sneakers' Jordan 5 Replica are some of the best on the market and are beautifully crafted. This is the best website to buy AJ5 Replica. Regardless of the shape of the shoe or the stitching inside the shoe, some details are very close to the original. Air Jordan 5, also known as 1:1 Jordan 5, the materials we use to produce the Jordan 5 Replica are also ordered together with the authentic Jordan 5 and are supplied by the same material manufacturer.
Fake Jordan 5 Trophy Room Ice Blue uses ice blue deerskin as the shoe body, and the midsole details are complemented by red splashing ink design embellishment. 3M reflective material is used on the tongue. One of the shoes has the classic No. 23 embroidery, changed to the number 5 to show people, the insole is made of special cork material, and the Jumpman Logo on the heel is also replaced with the Trophy Room logo. There are many details of Fake Jordan 5 Trophy Room Ice Blue and other Fake Jordan 5 Different, the sneaker wrapping paper also adopts a transparent design. The Fake Jordan 5 Trophy Room Ice Blue is full of design details and is a pair of well-designed sneakers.
The Replica Jordan 5 Of Dope Shoes Is The Best Version On The Market. The Replica Jordan 5 Of Dope Shoes Keeps Improving The Details Of Shoes And Rejects The Low Version Of Replica Jordan 5. The Goal Of Dope Shoes Is To Let Every Customer Wear A 1:1 Replica Jordan 5.
Dopesneakers advantageļ¼ we have our own factory and professional team, each pair of shoes has passed the quality inspection of dopesneakers quality inspection department, the quality is guaranteed.
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Guess your favorite shoes: OFF White x Air Jordan 5 Retro SP Sail
By M***h on 2022/12/14
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